by Jimba Media
March 21st 2024.

The House of Representatives has passed a bill to revise the salaries, allowances, and fringe benefits for judicial officers, following the submission of an executive bill by President Bola Tinubu. Under the proposed legislation, the Chief Justice of Nigeria is slated to receive a monthly salary of N5.39 million, while justices of the Supreme Court will be entitled to a total package of N4.21 million per month. Similarly, the President of the Court of Appeal is set to earn a monthly package of N4.48 million.

Additionally, the bill outlines the remuneration for various other judicial positions, with Chief Judges and Presidents of different courts receiving monthly packages ranging from N3.53 million to N3.73 million. These figures encompass basic salaries and a comprehensive range of allowances, including leave allowances, estacode, and severance gratuity.

The passage of this bill signals a significant adjustment in the salary structure for judicial officers, aiming to enhance their welfare and ensure fair compensation for their services.

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